Photo by Blog Author

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Elusive Golden Gate Bridge

The photo I've chosen as the header of my blog is a personal favorite, and one I took myself. During my first trip to San Francisco, Calif. I was looking forward to seeing the GG Bridge for the first time. How many times can you watch Full House without wanting to revel in its glory? Unfortuneatly for my 8 yr-old soul, smog consumed the bridge on my first visit. Last summer I was lucky enough to visit San Francisco once more, only to be disappointed yet again. Viewing the bridge from the city, all I could see was the water and the base of the bridge. Since one of my friends hadn't seen it at all before, we took a dreary drive over the bridge on our way home. Once on the other side, the sun parted just for us. Taking a stop at the base of the bridge, this photo found me.

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